When Good Friday doesn’t feel so good

It’s Good Friday, but during this COVID-19 pandemic, many people may be asking, “What’s so good about it?” It seems that EVERY SINGLE THING in our lives has been affected by this deadly virus. It’s almost as if our world stopped turning, like everything came to a standstill the day we realized just how this new virus was going to play out.

And as I sit here today reflecting on all the thoughts and emotions I’ve experienced throughout the last almost four weeks, I’m reminded of what this day actually means for Christians all over the world.

This is the day that we remember the horrific death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on a cruel cross. This is the day that we reflect on the price that he gave for our sins and remember it should have been us paying this penalty.

Yes, nothing feels good about today, but we have to remember what a difference three days can make. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death for all eternity. And while three days won’t fix this horrible virus and make it go away, it will be dealt with in due time.

So let’s give ourselves permission to feel the different emotions that come along in stages in life altering situations like this, but let’s not stay there. Friends, we are not in this alone. We don’t grieve as those who have no hope. And we don’t have to have all the answers or figure out how we’re going to handle come what may. I believe God is using this moment to remind us that He and only He is in control. That’s not to say He caused this horrible virus to kill and infect us and our lives. But He can and will use it to bring beauty from the ashes.

Just like He did for the children of Israel in the book of Exodus, “God draws us out to draw us in”. We, as a country and as individuals, are guilty of worshiping idols. And I believe that God has stripped them all away from us to get our attention. Job security, booming stock market, Hollywood, food and drink, politics, leisure activities and hobbies….. The list goes on for the many things we thought we had to have.

But in this moment, it is my prayer that we will realize what truly matters in this life and not allow ourselves to get caught up in things of the world again. Let us not forget why this Easter will be different than all the ones before. But most importantly, let us not forget the true meaning of Easter.

The tomb is empty, my friends! Jesus is alive! He is alive indeed!


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  1. Phrase God! Thank you Jesus!
    I too believe why this is happening.
    We need to keep our eyes on Him.

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