Homemade Chicken Treats

Homemade Chicken Treats for Valentine’s Day or any day

Y’all already know how much I love my chickens 🙂 I can’t believe they will soon be a year old!
Should we have a party? LOL 🙂
In addition to laying mash and water (of course), I give them cracked corn daily as a little snack while I’m gathering the eggs. I also give them fresh herbs here and there and leftover veggies when available. But I really enjoy making special little treats for them every now and then!
That’s why when I saw this easy idea on Instagram (@ourlittlebluefarmhouse) , I just had to try it. I already had everything I needed to make these “chocolate covered” strawberries. It was perfect timing for Valentine’s but would be a fun treat any time of year. And all you need is three ingredients.

Strawberries, Yogurt, and Cracked Corn (the recipe I saw used bird seed)

You want to use whole strawberries for this recipe. Leave the stems on them as well.

Dip the strawberry in the yogurt

Then roll the strawberry in a bowl of cracked corn

And that’s it! Make as many of them as you want!

I have a small flock of five hens, so I just made one for each of them. And they loved them!

Gertrude was asking me when I was going to make more of them lol!
Do you have chickens too? Do you like to spoil your birds a little sometimes too?
Let me know in the comments!