
Election Night Party Food Ideas

election night place setting

Let’s face it. Politics is not a pretty subject these days. Unfortunately, we live in a time when everything seems to be politicized. But I refuse to let that cause me to forget how blessed we are in the United States of America to have the freedoms that we do. It is such a privilege we have as Americans to be able to vote to elect our leaders, and I always do my part to exercise my right to make my voice known.

I have fond childhood memories of helping my Pepapa campaign when he was a county commissioner. As a 4Her, I campaigned for our local representative several times. I even had the opportunity to be a page for him at the capital one year. It was an exciting experience and every four years, I think it’s fun to watch how the political process plays out. It’s even more fun when your candidate of choice wins 🙂 It’s also the perfect time to have a special meal or snacks to celebrate the day and all the hard work of the candidates as you watch the election results come in, especially if you are personally involved in the campaign process.

This upcoming election night will be no different than those in the past for me. Next Tuesday on November 3rd, I’ll have my typical election night meal and spend some more time in prayer that God’s will be done for our country through all those elected to serve as leaders, locally, statewide, and nationally.

I’ll be sure to share some updated pictures with you, but here’s what one of my little private “political parties” looked like years ago.

menu ideas for an election party

Election Night Menu:

I think it’s fun to have food that ties in with the theme of the night. Here’s what I typically prepare for the evening.

Right/Left Wings (chicken wings)

chicken wings election night food represent right/left wings

Poll Fries (french fries)

Red/Blue drink of choice

a patriotic party drink
I’ve tried making one of the red, white, & blue drinks on Pinterest, but it’s always a fail

Donkey Tails & Elephant Ears for dessert (made with crescent rolls)

elephant ears and donkey tails desserts for election party

And of course, there will be snacks for later in the evening… usually popcorn, nuts, and apple pie (what could be more American than apple pie?), and plenty of good coffee! 

What will you be doing election night? Are you interested in politics or watching the election results come in? Like I said earlier, I know the political process is nasty business lots of times, so I completely understand if you’re like, “Just let me know what happened in the morning” 🙂

As always, I pray God’s will be done.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV.

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