Celebrate the seasons of your marriage

20 years of marriage. That’s what we’re celebrating today! Has it been 20 years of pure wedded bliss? Of course not. Like every marriage, there have been trying times. But I can honestly say that there have been many more good times than bad times. And like the saying goes, “Marriage is not always easy, but it’s always worth it”.

There are different seasons in a marriage, but there is something to celebrate in each one.
As newly weds, it’s all about you as a couple, discovering new things about each other while also learning how to be a married couple. Even if divorce has unfortunately been a part of your past like it has ours, you still experience this phase. You have a renewed hope that this time is different and you almost feel like you’re young and in love for the first time again.

When the newness wears off and children enter the picture, it can be challenging at times. In our case, our children were there in the beginning because of our prior marriages. We learned quickly why a blended family is not God’s original design for a marriage. We both carried some old baggage from failed relationships, but we soon learned that God would redeem our pasts and keep us together as a family if we relied on Him…..and boy did we rely on Him!

Before we knew it, the children were grown and gone. Those years that we thought would never end actually ended in what seemed like the “blink of an eye”.

Here we are now with an empty nest. And in this time with just the two of us, I have found it to be the sweetest season of our marriage. We have more time to focus on just the two of us with less distractions. Not that I don’t love and enjoy being a mama, but I so enjoy being able to love you like you deserve to be loved and give you my undivided attention….most of the time 🙂

And you are doing the same thing for me. You love me so well. You take me on adventures my heart craves. You help me with my never-ending list of projects. You never fail to tell me you love me and that you think I’m the most beautiful girl in the world ….every single day. You know what my heart and soul need.

You are a good man, Scott Langford. You’re one of the good ones….and you’re all mine!
I pray that God will continue to bless us another 20 years and beyond. I can’t imagine being in this world without you by my side and hope I never have to know what’s that’s like.
I’ve heard that in heaven, we won’t be considered as married any longer. They say that we’ll of course know who our family was on earth, but I can’t image looking into your pretty brown eyes and not living in the same mansion as you….lol. I guess we’ll figure that out when we’re there, but you can bet I’m sure gonna try to talk Jesus into giving us property on the edge of a wooded area, preferably by a mountain and babbling creek…..with plenty of rocks on the property 😉
And in case you don’t know…..I talk to Him about you often. I thank Him for giving me the gift of true love. I thank Him for your unconditional love and your faithfulness and goodness. I thank Him for the gift of YOU