The Samaritan Woman in Me

God longs to meet you where you are. In your sin and in your less-than-perfect circumstances. He longs to give you a new beginning and a new found freedom – freedom in Christ.

I talked about this over at (In) Courage a few years ago. Lately, I feel God tugging at my heart to revisit my past. Sometimes it’s an uncomfortable place to be, but I also want people to understand the grace that God has shown me and how He has redeemed my past.

I have a story to tell once again, but I thought I’d start here for all of my new followers. Despite the trials of life that we all face, I believe that through Christ we can all overcome and be stronger for it. Our God is a god of hope and new beginnings and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

I hope you’ll click on over to read about The Samaritan Woman in Me.

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