Garage Makeover Ideas

Last spring, we FINALLY got around to doing a complete makeover on our garage. Y’all, it was a long time coming, and I’m so glad it’s done!

The walls were repainted. The floor was redone. And we added metal shelving for some much needed storage and organization.

Here’s a photo of what it looked like right before we started the transformation. In our defense, some of this in the floor was pulled out so we could go through it and decide what we needed to keep and what needed to be thrown away. But it was such a mess! I could barely get my car in there and I was so embarrassed for anyone to come in our house through the back door. I was determined to get this done, and we did.

Now, we have a nice, clean entrance for visitors to enter our home.

We he still has some organizing to do on the far size of the garage, but most everything else is in it’s proper place.

The metal shelving was the best decision ever! We actually didn’t even have to purchase these. They were given to us and they provide so much space for organizing my paint products and other items.

We purchased a wall hanging system for large yard/cleaning tools to get them up off the floor.

One side of the garage is dedicated to storage and organizing the things we need easy access to.

The other size is where our mountain bikes are parked. I also have a potting shelf where I keep gardening supplies and bird feed.

We love how the floor turned out. The Rust-Oleum Epoxy floor product is so easy to use. After cleaning the garage floor, we rolled a coat of paint on and sprinkled in the little flecks.

This old book shelf was in the garage before holding paint and all sorts of odds and ins.

I gave it a fresh coat of paint with Fusion Mineral Paint in the color Lichen. It’s the perfect shade for a diy gardening station.

It’s the perfect place to store my gardening supplies and bird feed. It’s functional and pretty and looks so cute next to the back door.
I’m so happy to finally have this project completed! It was time consuming, but soooo worth the work! Now on to another project.
How well has the floor held up? Like y’all we cleaned up our garage, but did nothing with the floors.Because of our experience with patio painting that didn’t go well. It’s a mess. Looks like yours covered well, Do you put your car in there? Is it peeling off? I enjoy your post and Instagram stories.
Hey! Thank you so much! Yes, our floor is holding up very well! We have had no issues with peeling and we do park the car in there. The only issue we have with our floor (which we had before as well) is that when it’s very humid, rainy weather, the floor can get slick in places. I was hoping the flecks would help with this, but the problem is that the concrete is a smooth concrete and not a rough surface.
Hope this helps!